GitHub API Users Search App

This app allows you to find & view any user's basic profile info & public repositories on GitHub using GitHub API

Tech Stack



React Router


Simple GitHub API Users Searching App

What is GitHub API Users Searching App?

This SPA allows you to find & view any user's basic profile info & public repositories published on GitHub!

How to use this App?

a) Input the correct GitHub User username in search field or... b) Add username after the slash to app's url (for example:

& you will see:

  • user's current bio & location
  • the number of user's open source projects (public repositories)
  • user's projects' details: description, language & link to project's github pages if available or source code if not ;-)

Technologies used in this project:

  • React 17
  • React Router 5.3
  • Bootstrap 5.1
  • GitHub API
  • gh-pages deployment